Method for Fish Cake
Cut the fish into even 2cm dice, season and quickly pan fry in a quarter of the butter. Mix the fish and potato puree together. Add the rest of the ingredients and mould into 160g balls. Allow to set in the fridge.
Neatly pane in flour, egg and breadcrumbs - twice to give a better coating. Pan-fry in the rest of the butter when required.
Method for Sauce
Sweat the shallots in butter until soft. Add white wine, boil and reduce by half. Add stock, lemon zest and peppercorns and reduce by half. Add cream and reduce to a light coating consistency. Season and stir in basil puree.(at the last moment)
Method for Sour Cream and Chives
To serve, toss the tomatoes in olive oil with black olives, thinly slice the basil and dress in a circle. Arrange the fish cake on top of this and spread the fish cream around.
Whisk the cream with a little lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste until the cream holds its shape and fold in the chives. Put a quenelle on top of each fish cake.