Marshmallow & Hot Dog Finger Food recipe picture 1This is the most common centerpiece for a kids birthday party here in the Philippines. Very easy to prepare and enjoyable enough for kids and adults alike. Making this for my brother's birthday to go with his favorite spaghetti.
You just need:
10 hot dogs
1 pack assorted color marshmallows
1/2 a head of a cabbage
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp cooking oil
Marshmallow & Hot Dog Finger Food recipe picture 2In a pan put about 1/4 cup of water and 1 tbsp of oil. Let it boil and add in the hot dogs. Cook them for about 3 minutes. Then pull them out and set aside.
Marshmallow & Hot Dog Finger Food recipe picture 3Slice the hot dogs in bite size pieces almost the same size as your mallows.
Marshmallow & Hot Dog Finger Food recipe picture 4Get a toothpick and just start skewering them. Afterwards stick them into the cabbage head and just work your way out to filling it. Kids can help with just a bit of supervision from adults on this part.
Marshmallow & Hot Dog Finger Food recipe picture 5Stick them around the cabbage filling the gaps and working on a colorful pattern. Put on the table together with the rest of your party meals and just let the kids help themselves picking up this pretty and yummy finger foods!
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